It has been so long since we had a chance to all be in the same room together, but we still wanted to introduce you to our amazing team. We work with such an inspiring bunch of women and we are proud to be part of such a brilliant and supportive female-founded business. Let's meet the team...


Jo - Founder & Visionary - Jo is the brains of the brand and it was her jetlag issues that started the whole journey off. She is the inspiration behind all the new product formulations and packing and uses her keen design eye to make all our spaces - virtual and real - beautiful and on brand 


Anna - Head of Spreadsheets - Anna is the glue that keeps us all together and makes sure we stay on track (and we don't blow all the budget in one go). She looks after the website, product development and drops those weekly newsletters in your inbox. Oh and by default has been made tech support ("turn it off and on again ?!?")



Katie - Ambassador Extraordinaire - Katie is out there spreading the word about the brand striking up relationships with all our retailers, influencers, press and key customers. You'll find her negotiating a new contract in the middle of a photoshoot whilst entertaining her two-year-old out from under her feet



Wendy - All things social - Wendy manages our virtual worlds in the social space helping share our stories and vision to new recruits and old fans. If you've ever reached out on social media it'll be Wendy that'll be helping you out at all times of day and night



Alex - Product Guru - Our newest recruit and yet we can't imagine a world without her. Alex has just managed the move into our new premises with not a product out of place. She hand writes all your gift notes and gift boxes all your parcels and can't wait to start hosting our events again when we are allowed to invite you all back



Sue - Editor in chief - Sue is the eagle eyes that makes sure every bow is tied perfectly, every label is stuck on straight and every sentence we publish is grammatically correct and punctuated properly. She supports Alex in the store and makes sure everything is perfect as it makes its way out to you