Sleepover Review: Barnsley House, Cotswolds, England

We're still dreaming of our few days hidden away in the idyllic Barnsley House hotel near Cirencester. Here's why...
Comfort level: 9.5 out of 10 - And rest. Really. Park your car, check in to your lovely room, slip on your comfy shoes and sit back and let your worries dissolve. Well thought through spaces, lovely food and staff who are ready to help and who make you feel like you are guests in their home. The bedrooms contain all the things you hope for - comfortable beds, deep bath tubs, sofas designed to curl up with a good book on. Plus there's the lovely extras. From the Aromatherapy Associates toiletries to the 'help yourself to soft drinks welcome note - we wouldn't change a thing. The cherry on the cake? If nature is your thing then you are in for a treat in the form of the amazing grounds - famously designed and created by RHS renown gardener Rosemary Verey and now lovingly maintained. Our visit in June saw them in full bloom - roses and clematis like we've ever seen before. Or maybe it's the spa. Small but perfectly formed - it looks like it was. Or if you are need of some tlc then maybe your vote will go to the top class spa. Decisions, decisions...

Noise level: 8 out of 10 - Finding a quiet corner to sit and snooze through the day isn't going to be a problem. Choose from one of the plush sofas nestled in the main house, or if the weather is kind, a quiet corner outdoors (and there's lots of them hidden away - just follow the winding paths and you'll soon find a space all to yourself. Being hidden away in a picture postcard pretty Cotswold village means minimal road traffic. The only disturbance you are likely to get is the cows in the daily farm (neighbouring the Courtyard rooms) as they wander down to be milked. They're early starters of course, but as alarm calls go we can think of a lot worse.
Light level: 9 out of 10 - No complaints. The Courtyard rooms have double height bedrooms with a window up top and a long pol to shut the wooden shutters. So as long as that job is done properly the light is kept well out. Blinds and curtains on the other windows mean you can be extra sure that the sunshine won't disturb your lie in. There was TV inches away from the bed though (and another upstairs in the lounge area) so best to amen sure that is turned off totally rather than letting the standby button shine all night.
Temperature level: 9 out of 10 - Open the doors and windows and let the fresh air in. or if you prefer, the zircon is there too as back up. We hit lucky with sunny days but we'd bet the rooms are toasty in the winter and there's spare blankets just in case.
Care level: 10 out of 10 - We'd have to give the team top marks (which we rarely do). The team always had time to chat and find out how things were going despite being steadily busy. The manager was around and always with a smile and his style set the tone for the place. No request was considered too much and there were lots of special touches (the dogs are still licking their lips after their breakfast sausage treats). And don't even get us started on the rhubarb martinis...

Total score: 9.5 ZZzzz's out of 10 - A relaxing hideaway which can't fail to make you smile. English style at its charming best. We can't wait to go back soon.
Barnsley House, Barnsley, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 5EE (Enquiries: 01285 740000 or book via Mr & Mrs Smith)