Lavender is often in the spotlight when it comes to aromatherapy for sleep, but there's a whole world of essential oils out there that will help you catch those Z's.
Whilst we do use lavender in one of our blends (DREAM), we have four signature blends all created using nature's most soothing essential oils perfect to help you relax at bedtime. Each combination brings its own benefit for your sleep and your skin, check them out here:
A luxurious blend that will lull you to sleep and support your body’s night-time cell renewal. Ideal for older skin that wants to stay looking young
ROSE A timeless classic that supports the skin’s natural process to help it stay looking and feeling beautiful
FRANKINCENSE Relied on since ancient times to help our minds wind down, find peace and to restore the spirit
PALMAROSA A gentle floral scent originally from India where it has been used for centuries to heal and calm
YLANG YLANG An exotic flower from the South Sea islands with the power to relax and rebalance
With light citrus notes to lift the spirit at bedtime and provide vitamins your skin needs to stay radiant. Perfect for dry skin
ORANGE Aromatics from the orange tree, to lift the spirit and encourage circulation
GERANIUM Made from beautifully scented flower petals prized for its gentleness and for its ability to balance the skin’s natural oil levels
MYRRH Used for hundreds of years to heal and repair
LITSEA A sweet smelling, light citrus shrub often found in Chinese medicine where it is used to calm the mind and spirit
A deeply soothing treatment designed to help ease away the pressures of the day and rebalance stressed out skin
JASMINE A precious oil absolute from delicate flowers picked at night when their intoxicating aroma is at its most potent. Warm and relaxing – a perfect treat for dry or sensitive skin
ROMAN CHAMOMILE One of the gentlest oils of all. Known for its ability to calm the senses and sooth dry or irritated skin
YLANG YLANG An exotic flower from the South Sea islands with the power to relax and rebalance
SANDALWOOD Prized for its beautiful scent and its ability to balance the skins natural oil production
The gentlest way to drift smoothly off to sleep and soothe your skin overnight. Perfect for sensitive skin
LAVENDER Sleep inducing essential oil well-known for its ability to relax muscles and bring calm to over-active minds
BERGAMOT Brings a soft, subtle citrus note that lifts the mood and brightens the spirit
CEDARWOOD Sweet balsamic notes used to calm anxiety & soothe aches & pains
ROMAN CHAMOMILE One of the gentlest oils of all. Known for its ability to calm the senses and sooth dry or irritated skin
Wondering which of our four blends is the perfect match for your skin and seep needs? Take our Matchmaker Test to find out...