"Breathing into your belly has all sorts of amazing benefits. It encourages better oxygen flow around the body, reduces stress levels and relaxes the nervous system. And the best part: the effects are instantaneous
So how do you do it? Start by getting really comfortable either sitting or lying down. Place both hands on your belly, relax your shoulders and try to release any tension from around the jaw. As you inhale through your nose, breathe into your abdomen and allow it to expand like a balloon, As you exhale through your nose, allow everything to soften completely. Inhale and expand, then exhale, contract and soften. Practice repeating this several times.
Observe how you feel afterward. Next time you're feeling stressed notice where you are breathing. If it's right up in your chest, try belly breathing to hep you find your calm."
Taken from Self-care for Everyday one of the many Wellness books available in our Aske store and at