Sleep is the ultimate energy boost. It’s essential down-time that our body needs to repair, reboot and refresh itself. Just one night of disrupted sleep is enough to leave us tired and grumpy. But it’s also good to have some little easy to do ways to up your energy levels when it starts to flag. Here are a few favourite energy boosts from the Kiss the Moon team…
"When I want a boost in the middle of the day I turn the music up loud and have a little dance"
"When I need to energise myself I'll put on my running shoes and get out in nature for some exercise in the fresh air"
"Inhaling our GLOW blend with the oils from the orange tree is a sure-fire way to lift my spirits"
"My favourite everyday energy boost? Cuddle a dog. Or even better – cuddle two"
"Reach for a banana – they are full of potassium and give slow energy release"
"Soaking up the sunlight is my way of recharging my batteries when I need a little boost"