Poor sleep leads to poor skin. That's because skin's key time to repair itself is overnight while we are sleeping. So if we don't get enough good quality sleep, the end result is tired looking skin.
Try our Kiss the Moon Morning Mirror Test to see how well rested your skin is. Upon waking, take a minute to check in the mirror for this tell-tale signs of tired skin:
Stressed Out Skin
What to look for:
Outbreaks of spots or sensitive skin flare ups
When we don't get enough sleep, levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, increases. Too much suppresses collagen production and makes skin vulnerable to inflammation responses to external irritants
What to do:
- Pare back your skincare routine
- avoid artificial and chemical additions which can irritate sensitive skin further and worsen the reaction. Go natural and simple instead.
- Take time to destress your mind to help you restore your body's natural internal balance and help make getting to sleep easier.
How Kiss the Moon can help:
Try our Jasmine infused CALM Night-time Face Oil. The combination of Jasmine, Roman Chamomile, Sandalwood and Ylang Ylang not only make it smell amazing relaxing (perfect for quietening overactive minds) they also contain skin soothing properties and are gentle enough sensitive skin