I think we have to admit it - Summer is over. Time to pack away your beachwear and get out your woolies. As the weather gets steadily chillier, it's not just your wardrobe that needs a rethink - your skin care routine does too. Here's why...
Colder months can be tough on your skin
Cold temperatures, blowing winds and regular blasts of central heating all can take their toll. These things all impact the outer layer of our skin, making it vulnerable to wear and tear. Once that happens, skin cells struggle to stay hydrated and we start to see signs of dryness such as fine lines, flakiness and rough to the touch patches. There's lots we can do to help - things like drinking enough water and being gentle when it comes to cleansing and exfoliating can all make a difference. But by far the biggest thing we can do to help skin stay glowing and gorgeous through the cooler months, is to nourish and moisturise it well.
Where face oils step in
There are some fabulously rich face creams out there to try. We love Dermalogica's Intensive Balance Moisturiser for windswept days for example. It's rich enough to stop any tightness and leaves skin feeling well protected without being gloopy. Make-up sits on on top of it well too, so it's become Kiss the Moon team morning must have on days when the weather is looking a little wild. However, even the best cream or lotion doesn't have the same ability to moisturise deep down as well a face oil can do. The reason is in the chemistry. Oils are lipids, and as the skin also has its own lipid content (naturally occurring sebum), there's a natural affinity. This all means that oils can penetrate deeper and deliver nutrients down to the layer of the skin where new cells are being created. Just where you need them most.
Talking of nutrients
Choose the right combination of oils and they'll come stacked with natural vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants that can help skin to thrive. Some oils are real skincare superstars. Take Rosehip Seed Oil for example. It's packed with Vitamin A and E and has been proven to promote cell regeneration and encourage collagen and elastin levels to increase - so helping to keep skin looking younger. We've added it to all three of our Night-time Face Oils because it's such a skincare wonder. The individual essential oils each add their two-penneth in terms of skin benefits too. So you can choose depending on whether you skin is normal, dry or oily. And by skin need (anti-ageing; dehydration; calming breakouts etc)
Night, night
Night-time is the best time to apply a face oil. During the day our skin really needs help to defend it's from the harmful rays from the sun, so the priority is to have something with good UV protection. Plus of course, through the day you also want something that sits happily with your make up - so a cream or lotion is often the best bet (you can add a drop of face oil in of you want to use your summer daytime all year long but make it a little richer for the colder months). Overnight the priorities are different. As skin repairs itself while we are sleeping, that's the perfect time to apply an oil. Applying a face oil before bed also means you can put it on to just-cleansed skin for maximum benefit. Just choose one that has the right carrier oil as its base. You want something that is rich enough to nourish, but that absorbs quickly enough to ensure no residue on your pillow (our main carrier oil is Apricot Kernel Oil for just that reason). Because skin and sleep are so interrelated, we've the relaxing essential oils that we've chosen helps with both. A double-whammy of night-time tlc.
Oily skin? Then you definitely need a face oil
We know that some people are put off from trying a face oil because they believe their skin is already oily and they don't want to make it worse. In fact, oily skin is a sign your skin needs nourishment and moisture. It's your skin producing its own sebum to try and create an internal balance. So by applying the right face oil you can help the balance be restored and allow your skin to calm down its' own oil production. (Our CALM Night-time Face Oil is particularly good for this.)
Give them a try Our Night-time Face Oils are each available in 5ml Travel Size - enough for at least a few weeks and the perfect way to try them out before committing to a full 30ml size. They're available on our online shop for £12 in LOVE, GLOW & CALM. Get yours now and let us know what you think