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Easter is coming - time to have a little fun. If you are hosting family and friends over the holiday, we think it's the perfect chance to get creative and decorate the Easter table. It doesn't have to be all bunny rabbits and yellow chicks (though if you want to go those routes then that's fine by us). With our gardens bursting to life and the colours of Spring showing their face for the first time, there are a heap of ways to bring a little natural loveliness to the lunch table.  Here are a few of our favourite ideas for ways to bring Spring to your tabletop this Easter.  

Bring in the blossom

As the branches are crowded with beautiful pink and white blossom around about now, it's easy to be generous and create a high impact centrepiece for your table. Stick to one bloom and arrange it at different heights in simple jars and bottles for an easy wow.

Well-dressed Spring tabletopsImage by via pinterest    

Add a wooden table runner

We love the way this old piece of wood pulls together everything sitting in the centre of the table and adds character at the same time. Check out the silver tea pot being used as a vase. Old wood, tarnished metal and spring flowers - not much can go wrong.

Well-dressed Spring tabletops by Kiss the Moon Image by via pinterest    

Rethink the tablecloth

A crisply ironed tablecloth is a thing of beauty but can make things feel quite formal. Try these linen panels as an alternative. Arrange sideways along the table leaving the wood showing in between - a lovely halfway house we think and a nice way to draw guests sitting opposite one another together.

Well-dressed Spring tabletopsImage from via pinterest    

Little beauties

Less can often be more. With such beautiful blooms at our fingertips at this tip of year it's easy to overlook how amazing each one is. This simple setting turns the attention on to a single flower and makes us want to stare in wonder. Love the egg cup as a vase idea - and hiding it under the water glass puts it centre stage and gives your guests a chance to do their own big reveal. Simple and lovely.

Well-dressed Spring tables Image from via pinterest    

Don't just cut it, plant it

God bless the daffodils - they are so resilient they can be planted in almost anything and they bring a bit of sunshine to all they touch. If you can't bear to cut them, create some planted arrangements as your centrepiece instead. You could even give your guests one each to take home as their Easter present.

Well-dressed Spring tabletops

Image by via pinterest  


Fill your home with flowers

And of course our super elegant Aromatherapy Reed Diffusers are a beautiful way to bring dramatic floral scents into your home in a way that will last long after the holiday. And we are taking £10 off as our Easter gift to you

reed diffusers

Happy Easter everyone. With love from the Kiss the Moon team xx