Right now we just want to cuddle up close to the people we love, spending time with them in a space that is deliciously comfortable and that makes us feel safe. Just the thing as the dark evenings draw in. Here are a few of the things the team have been doing to nest down in their homes on these chillier autumn nights...

"There are few things that taste more comforting at this time of year than a homemade crumble and custard. Even better if you've grown some of it yourself" Jo
"I love coming in from a woodland walk and taking off my woolly hat and gloves in front of the fire with a big pot of coffee" Alex
"It's conker season outside, but did you know a few of these inside under the bed or in your drawers are said to keep the spiders and moths at bay? I am going to give it a try this year" Anna
"Time to cosy up in our teepee wearing big fluffy sippers and reading to Flopsy, 'B' & Hedgy - Tallulah has the right idea in our home" Katie

What do you like to do to cosy up?