It's certainly been a year to focus on taking better care of ourselves & those close to us. With some much uncertainty in the air, we have all had to rely on different ways to keep ourselves grounded in mind, body & spirit.
Here are a few of the simple little things the team have been using to look after themselves and others as the restrictions return...

"It’s been proven that being a dog owner is good for your health. Not only do they get you up and out every day for a walk, the scientists have shown that stroking a pet can relieve stress and lower your blood pressure. And who wouldn’t to want to cosy up on the sofa next to these gorgeous creatures? Form an orderly queue everyone..." Jo

"Taking the family out for a long muddy bike ride is perfect to get the happy endorphins pumping. And it is something I can still do whilst we are in lockdown!" Alex
"I have been finding some peace in very peculiar places recently. The kids and I spend a few hours every weekend sorting through the Lego box. We hunt out all the lost pieces we need to reassemble old sets, whilst listening to an audio book together. Some thoughtful, quiet family-time with a rediscovered toy at the end. Result" Anna
"I find a refreshing mix of lemon, honey, ginger and fresh mint from the garden works medicinal wonders when I am feeling sluggish. And it is especially warming as the cold winter nights draw in" Katie

"There's nothing better than coming home to something home cooked in the oven after a long, leisurely walk with my family. My family are big fans of a pie and I'm really enjoying going back to some Mrs Beaton basics" Wendy
What are you doing to take care of yourself & others?