Thrilled to be in the line up of best helpers for a better night's sleep. Thanks WOW Beauty for your review of our DREAM Bedtime Bath Salts and Sleep Balm
On the Bedtime Bath Salts
"These salts are heavenly scented with Lavender, Bergamot, Cedarwood and Chamomile essential oils all of which work in synergy to soothe and relax. Lavender is a perfect night time beauty oil, able to balance skin’s own oil production and encourage healthy new cells to form, while Roman Chamomile is great for very sensitive or dry skin as it can calm and soothe. Next is the Bergamot which has a calming aroma and can purify the skin lastly Cedarwood, loved for its calming effect. All of this goodness is in a base of good quality Epsom & Dead Sea Salts. These mineral rich salts are a natural source of magnesium, which will be discussing more in a moment…"
On the Sleep Balm
"This little potion is applied to the pulse points to promote relaxation and calm… contains a Kiss The Moon signature blend of essential oils plus 100% natural shea butter and white tea seed oil. Along with being infused with Lavender, this balm has a fresher scent which comes from the apple scented Roman Chamomile to help calm the mind."
Read more of her sleep treat reviews here