There's a bit of a kerfuffle happening on instagram and there's a root vegetable to blame. Sweet Potato Toasts are all the rage. Billed as the ultimate new healthy breakfast, who needs bread when you can pop a slice of sweet potato in to the toaster (yes really), top it with your favourite topping (we're a little partial to scrambled eggs and, if you fancy, a rasher of crispy bacon or proscuitto).
How to...
Slice a sweet potato lengthways (about a centimeter thick works best we found) and pop each one in the toaster. They take a couple of goes but after two or three rounds of heat they should pop up crispy on the outside and soft in the middle. Just add your favourite toasty topping (some swear by crushed avocado, a soft boiled egg and a pinch of cayenne pepper while others prefer peanut butter and banana).
Sweet or savoury, healthy or naughty - just top with the things you usually love on toast and you're done. It’s a life saver for carb dodgers and, with all that vitamin A, C and manganese, your skin will thank you. Some say it’s the perfect breakfast but we also give it the thumbs up as a healthy late night snack that won’t keep you you awake in to the early hours.
Sweet Potato Health Facts
Did you know that sweet potatoes (unlike their white potato cousins) count as one of your five a day? The most prominent nutrient in sweet potatoes is vitamin C. Aside from the well-known immune system boost, vitamin C is required to maintain our teeth and gums, cell protection (including our skin of course), psychological function, nervous system function and it also enhances our ability to absorb iron. Sweet potatoes are also a great source of manganese - a vital mineral our body needs for bone health, but also to protect our cells from the damage caused by stress.
Enjoy. x